शुक्रवार, 16 दिसंबर 2011

Amazing Everyday : Nokia Lumia In Ice Block

Every Amazing Everyday event is awesome. This time Nokia Germany, as a part of promotions, kept a block of ice having an awesome Nokia Lumia 800 inside it on the pavement. The passers were free to try their hand and get the Lumia free from the cage and the successful ones getting Lumia 800 as their prizes. Something innovative coming this time from Nokia to make people feel positive for Nokia Lumia and most importantly for Nokia. Why I wasn't there...shit !!

"The hottest action of the year? No doubt - the promotional tour of the new Nokia Lumia800th It was completely successful and a big thanks to all who have been there! If you do not belong to, no problem. Here you see the best of the whole action. The center: A thickblock of ice, put in a Nokia Lumia. Who's exempt, could barter for a real one. Clear thatpeople had to fully bend over backwards to break the thick ice layer. Simply amazing!"

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