Today, Nokia introduced the Nokia Luna headset that comes packed with a bundle of features. Nokia Luna comes with colourful and unique design. It has Nfc that makes pairing much easier. It comes with Usb port and Bluetooth too.
Check out the pics , specs and videos below :
pics at a look :
Specs at a look :
Surprising design
- Colourful, unique, and convenient
- Easy-to-use
- Press on the centre to reveal the headset
- Conveniently store and charge the headset at the same time
- Available in five colours with matching earbuds
Surprising convenience
- Always Ready - Just pick up and talk
- Connects to your phone automatically when you pick up the headset
- Automatic volume adjustment
- Up to 2 months of standby time when stored in the holder
- Up to 8 hours of extended talk time (2 h with the headset, 6 h in the holder)
Surprising technology
- Helpful voice prompts for pairing, and connection and battery status
- Connect with 2 phones at the same time using advanced multipoint
- Connect to both work and personal phones
- Nokia Luna is NFC enabled
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